Saturday, January 22, 2005

An example of how Religion strongly influences Science and Sexuality.


A lot of the scientific communities believe that the Universe was created some billions of years ago in the Big Bang then has existed ever since. Part of God created the Universe and then all was.

I believe the Universe has always exist changing and evolving and will always exist changing and evolving including all in it, even us.

But the bible infers that God sat around in the Universe forever, got bored or something, then came upon a brilliant idea or just decided it was time to start the Universe.

Some say there was no time before he did so it started when he wanted to. I don't believe this can be true.

But many of the scientific communities, whether religious or not, think the Universe was some big black hole forever that exploded and the Universe started. I think in the evolution of the Universe, maybe it become a huge black hole or something, that that was what it was supposed to be, that exploded.

But I think it has always existed ever-changing and will always exist ever-changing and existed in infinite incarnations before that.

See? Because some say God started a Universe it is passed off and strongly influences science that way?

People think bible says one wife and infers to only love intimately one woman. It does say it is better for certain church elders to have one wife but I am not 100% whether it exactly says only one wife is allowed or not. If it does I would be just as unsure that it somehow never got twisted over the millennia if it does say that. The religious people and scribes have had millennia to play with the bible and how to interpret it and it does say to beware of their teachings. I'm not saying they purposely changed it to their own advantages though history is rife with religion doing just that.

But I am quite sure that from what they think it must mean and their perceptions of right and wrong rather then the truth about what is good or not it has been twisted.

They have found the Dead Sea scrolls and apparently it hasn't changed a word from Christ's time. But honestly, I believe there must be something seriously fundamentally wrong with that in itself but I'm not sure what yet.

Can archeological finds be faked to that degree? Hmmmm...

So society teaches you can only love one woman and be with one because the bible says so and influences society in this example.

I have never been able to fall in love with just one woman and stick to it. So do I not love anyone at all because the bible says only one no more or do I risk to love anyways?

I choose the second.

And if I do deny myself that intimacy, how long could I until I couldn't fight it or like some it manifests itself in ways unhealthy.

People get unhealthy fighting healthy desires, ask any shrink. Even deviant for some that is the beginning the desires weren't deviant but they thought sex was bad or wrong and denied such too long.

At he very least people get tripped out bad if they think sex is wrong, then, for example, see regular porn because they haven't had sex far too long or not in the ways they want to do it because 'good people' never do such things. Then they feel dirty and guilty and worse because they did so, after all it is bad they think. I'm not saying porn is good or not. People get hurt and worse making it and some it messes up viewing it so I wonder. But I am saying if you deny the healthy parts of your sexuality too long, it will mess you up in the long run and then become unhealthy if you think those healthy parts are wrong but when you can’t deny it any longer, you are sick and guilty and even evil. Your may not be, but society says it's wrong and bible I'm sure plays a big part in that.

I find it funny that people say God made that a part of us too and when we express it with another in a healthy way, then we are sick and evil. See???

I think he did give us that gift but it must cause him a lot of grief and worse people get messed up and hurt by it. Not like he never seen this coming but I'm sure he takes no pleasure in anyone getting hurt by that gift he gave to us and wishes we would understand it, not feel bad by it or hurt other with it as the result.

Oh, the bible is full of examples of men loving and having more then one woman with the women knowing, who knows why, but it does just have as many examples of how that causes jealousy and rivalry and worse too. I know you can't really do one without the other. But is it better I love and love others and I deal with it the best I can then to cheat, lie and hide like some do to be good and right.

They say that there is basically no marriage where one, the other or both parties have not had an affair.

You think I'm the only one that can't just love one person or they fight it, hide it, deny it then when it happens it destroys people because they fell in love with another and were not supposed to. Maybe I'm not better or worse but just more understanding of it and myself and do it in a way that's honesty and respect to do less damage and be fair about it?

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