Saturday, December 31, 2005

I drink water.

My sis with the medical stuff needs me I think.

I'm going to try.

I'm great at taking care of myself.

Decent food.

A lot of good clean water.

My bro (roomie) says yesterday, 'Hey bro, you okay?'

I say ,'Ya, bro, I'm fine, just dealing with some personal stuff."

He says, "You haven't eaten much, there is some good meat and cheese I bought."

I say, "Thanks."

Make two sandwiches and eat them.

He also says, "You need water bro."

I say, "Ya, this personal stuff is a bit tuff. I should drink some water."

I pour a huge glass of water, knowing he cares and I really do need it. A lot of water.

Having not been awake much. Been in bed almost all the time thinking, sleeping.

I wake up, add to my blog.

See this huge glass of water I forgot to drink. Just got busy a bit and tired.

I'm still not thirsty anyways.

My bro catches the play, sees the water, says, "You really need water, bro."

I think of my sick friend and how I need to try to help.

So the water is old and stale.

I clean the huge glass, pour good clean water.

First time in well over two days I drank anything.

My sis might need me.

Now I drink a lot of good cold water.

I don't want it of even need it, even gag on it a bit.

But my sis needs me I think.

Did I mention I take care of myself very well and always drink a lot of really good cold clean water, daily, a lot of it, It is healthy to do so and the water here is great.

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